Catarrhal Fever or Bluetongue disease

In French


Sheep on five continents ♦ Bluetongue basics  ♦  Observations of livestock farmers ♦ Veterinarian’s diagnosis of a suspicion  ♦ From required notification ♦ prescribed measures ♦ Cost of the disease ♦ Economic impact on production.

Short questions / Brief responses.

Ultrastructure of the BT virus .

Historical context ♦ 24 serotypes of BTV  ♦ Midges: hematophagous vectors ♦ Virus multiplication inside hosts ♦ Survival of the virus outside of hosts ♦ Global distribution of serotypes ♦ Case of Corsica ♦ Emergence in Northern Europe ♦ From a vaccine to mass vaccination.

© Cirad, 2009

Browse the Educational Handbook "Catarrhal Fever or bluetongue disease" (in French)

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