Development of a project

We follow a similar series of steps for each of our projects, beginning with the initial articulation of a need up through to the return of feedback on the final production:

  1. Outlining the problem issue.
  2. Identifying who shall contribute: one or several research scientist(s) at CIRAD or partner institutions, one or several groups of researchers, one or several intellectual and financial partners.
  3. Choosing an original angle from which to address the subject.
  4. Choosing the medium: paper and/or digital.
  5. Choosing between using a previously tested format (compilivre, educational handbook, educational comic book) and creating a new one.
  6. Studying which original narrative form would be best adapted to the objectives of the project, the targeted priority audience, and the vector: seeds of knowledge, educational handbook, scientific investigation, narrative points of view, scientific tale, educational comic book.
  7. Analysis of information: a two stage process.  First, we collect and select written, oral (interviews), and iconographic knowledge which we then reconfigure within the chosen narrative form.  The challenge is to transform the material without changing or losing any of the substance while at the same time enhancing its value.
  8. Validating the contents by those who contributed.
  9. Seeking partners: both public and private, financial and intellectual, and in teaching and research institutions.  Partners also operate as relay points, channelling documents to their respective correspondents.
  10. Seeking funding from public and private donors so that all of the documents may be distributed free of charge in developing countries and some of the documents, such as the educational handbooks and scientific stories, in developed ones.
  11. Distribution of works by CIRAD and by each partner involved in the project following the communication policies of each organization in order to share the material with the greatest number of beneficiaries possible independent of their financial or technical resources.  The objective is to reach those often left out of standard knowledge transfer circuits.
  12. Carrying out an impact study for each project by analyzing responses to the questionnaires inserted in each publication.